Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Float On

Forgive the Modest Mouse-stolen title, but I couldn't think of anything more fitting.

Does something so utterly perfect and lovely ever happen to you that your mood can't be ruined for a long, long time? I'm one to love letting go of anger and hating losing happiness...I'll do anything to hold onto good feelings, sometimes too much so. I feel like I am do not happen upon just nice, unblemished happiness very's often from the littlest things, but we all deserve to feel bliss from time to time, and to hold onto it for as long as possible. Because, really, with all the crap that goes on in the world...we need more happy people. "Happy people are good. Happy people make me happy."

I really am in quite a mood.

Saturday, December 27, 2008



It's one of those strange, kind of immaterial either have it or you don't, in every situation in your life. I have motivation to do things that will get me absolutely nowhere in my life, like cook for myself instead of microwaving, and motivation to write this blog. Nothing even coming close to important do I have motivation for....I'm one of those people that needs to have an inner change to finally be motivated. I'm incredibly motivated to get good grades this coming semester....not because the pre med department or my mom is telling me to, but because I saw my work and I felt something move within me, that I suddenly knew I needed to work really hard and do my best. 

I think it's also funny to think about what people have motivation for and what they do not. I have friends who are very motivated to have fun but never to do their work, and vice in the extremes is never good. I also feel like fear, in some ways, can be another form of have a fear and are too lazy or unmotivated to take a risk and overcome your fear. Overcoming a fear is definitely an effort, but sometimes I truly wonder how much it will take for some people to let go of all their fears and chase what they truly want....time will tell, I suppose.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


It's Sunday night and I am still in Boston. I love this city, but I was supposed to be home yesterday, and now I am just weary of the "blowing snow mist" and incredibly ready to be home and be away from Logan Airport for a significant amount of time. When my flight got messed up on Saturday, calling my mom was so hard. Leaving the airport was like ripping myself away from what I have been anticipating for so long. Part of why I came to Boston was to get away from my old life, and now I am totally ready to get back to the semblance of it for the holidays. I was trying not to cry all last night, and this morning I actually woke up at 3am to go to the airport to see if there was any surprise availability. There wasn't, and I was so sad..and then all of a sudden, I told myself to get OVER it. I'm not the only one who got stuck in the snowstorm, not by a long shot, and being home a day and a half later isn't really a big deal. I guess I was just not handling disappointment with much maturity. But now I feel better, and I managed to make friends with two security guards and a convenience store worker..thus, all is not a total loss.

I can't say that being home won't be great, though. I can sleep all I want, and hang out with my loyal follower aka my puppy. I'll have time to actually breathe (unlike thanksgiving) and hang out with my friends...and eat my weight in fro yo. And I will come back to Boston, renewed and ready to kick semester 2's ass.

And the snow is absolutely covers the dirt and concrete and sparkles in the light. It mutes every noise and makes everything seem clean with its stark whiteness. 

And now I'm ready to leave it behind.
California, here I come

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Gosh I love Snow A Hundred Million Suns, their new album, if you haven't yet. Or I can burn you a copy of course.

Anyways...I'm going to be home on Saturday, for a truly significant amount of time. I can't honestly figure  out how I feel about this. There's excitement mixed with expectations mixed with apprehension mixed with a twinge of sadness. I left California for a reason, but I never expected to love Boston so immensely or to adjust so well, so quickly. I won't have a white Christmas, but the comfort in being around the familiarity of home is nice to anticipate. I traveled farther away from home than almost anyone I know, which is why it's nice to have a roommate in the same situation. I feel like part of the reasoning in being excited to go home is  that home is where we can truly be ourselves and we are most comfortable. But, truly, I feel totally at home right in my dorm at school, and I certainly haven't acted like myself. I guess I continue to be torn as to how to feel, but I am not afraid to admit that I am excited to come home for some relaxing with my oldest friends, if only for a little while.

Like my previous post, I continue to be fascinated with the snow. Tomorrow we are supposed to get a great proper snow, which is exciting for the Christmas season. With my school schedule stretching on so long, I feel like I've been able to have limited participation in the holiday time, which is hands down my favorite time of the year. My mom was telling me about the mini tree she bought, which is unusually festive on her part, so I'm excited to see that. Otherwise, it's just a push to get through my (horrible) calc final, and then some fun here before I ship off to 3 weeks of NOT THINKING in CA. 
I'm seriously looking forward to be able to sleep/eat/laugh etc without thinking about Chem 101 or calculus.... oh joy!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oh my gosh, it truly is. It falls around you and you don't even notice the cold because there is this white blanket forming on all sides of makes the world quieter and more peaceful, and it looks so pretty as it floats from the clouds. I love it. 

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Life Alive

I have no energy. I am absolutely drained. This week was very long and ate up all of my energy to begin with, and then last night was Lebanese Night and it was so much running around and dancing, I'm just about the most tired person you're going to meet. The night was so great, though, don't get me wrong...being with genuinely fun people and enjoying my culture. I'm currently cleaning the dorm (SO much laundry) before we head off to a basketball game, then more studying....finals are fast approaching, and I must do well on them. 

I don't have much to write about that is super philosophical, but I am going to write about what's going through my head, which is having FUN. Last night was incredibly fun for me, and I was distracted to the point of being able to relax and laugh and enjoy the night. I don't know if this is true at all for anyone else,  but I sometimes forget to have fun or laugh because I get so focused on my to-do list. But having fun is so makes you realize that life is about experiences and how happy you are, not how perfect or wealthy or succesful you can become. I can't say that I am that much of a "carefree" person but I love laughter and forgetting about my problems sometimes. You can't let the things that make you unhappy rule your life...although that may push you towards a more "perfect" image, how are you truly living if you only work and never enjoy the moment?

So, in these days of finals and stress, don't forget to laugh once in a while. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Interim

I am between breaks...and, more importantly, between versions of me. 

Going home for the first time after starting at BU was fun, hectic, exhausting...and really threw me off. Am I two different people? I don't think I am...but I also know that I have changed since beginning college. My views have changed, and I don't see the world or even morality as so incredibly black and white like I did. I loved being home, because I was cramming fun into every piece of my day, but I know that I love Boston and I could never go back to California or to what was for very long. 

I just...I feel as if I have changed, and maybe its that I feel that my relationships have changed. I am sitting here, really having a difficult time putting what I feel into words. I love those that are still in California, but for many of's just different. Our relationships have shifted. Part of it is that I have let go of worrying about what people are doing and realized that everyone makes their own choices, and I can only be myself and be a friend. I apologize if I make zero sense. I guess that I am just saying...I am very much "different from the crowd" on the way I act and in how I see the world, even more so now that I am in college,  and that affects my friendships. But I am happier with the way things are now. 

In other news...HAPPY DECEMBER!!! The Christmas season is so incredible, and I am looking forward to it snowing for me here, as that would just add to the magic. Even with the incredible stress of the end of the semester and all of the school things I have to do, I can't stop being happy that it is this time of year and my life is really good. I can't stop smiling!

Monday, November 24, 2008


Do not fear the truth beneath
Reach for roots beneath the trees
Listen to the words you seek
Don't listen to a word they say
Do not listen to a word you've heard
People are people, we live for our own
Live how you think, not by what you've been told

(I stole this from Cara, not sure if it's lyrics or a poem or what but I LOVED it)


Yes, I am writing this post about clothes...I love getting dressed!

I was never good at drawing, or painting, but I do have a creative part of me that is quite alive. Finding ways to express that has been a bit challenging...but one way that I have been able to be very creative and show my personality has been in the way I dress. It's hard to pinpoint my style...not totally trendy, like I walked out of an Urban Outfitters catalog, but not totally random either. Now that I'm living in an amazing city, I've found my lack of money to be less than an obstacle. As Lagerfeld once said, kids without money are the best, because they have to be creative if they care about style. So basically, 

Energy+creativity+little money+being in a city with many thrift stores=me.

I was at Oona's thrift store on Mass Ave near Harvard Square on Saturday and I bought this awesome blue mermaid gown for $ was originally $2600, just by the way. Anyways, it's so much more fun to have a wardrobe built of "found" pieces and clothing with a story. It helps that I can't take myself very seriously, and I am really developing a sense of humor about the way I dress. My shopping rules: if it's cheap and funny or makes me feel like a ballerina, or BOTH which has happened from time to time, then I will buy it :)

Friday, November 7, 2008

oh miedo

Fear. It's a great motivator, and a great source of hesitation. I hate fear, and I have it, which is quite irritating sometimes. It holds you back from getting what you want because you feel like the risk isn't worth the great thing that could happen. "Should" is my least favorite word in the dictionary, because we all say that we "should" do something that we would absolutely love to do, which is inevitably followed by the "but I can't because..." BECAUSE OF FEAR. Hesitation holds us back so so often....being realistic, of course we can't do everything we'd love to do because life doesn't generally allow every person that luxury. However, there are so many things that we COULD do, that we don't, because of fear. I find that the most common fear is the fear of losing your own self image, ego, or the high opinions of the people around you. 

Well you know what? If you are confident enough, and if you are surrounded by the right people, you will feel better,not worse, after you have taken a risk. My last year of high school was also the point at which I decided to stop caring what people thought of me and let go of trying to seem "cool", and just be weird/take the risks I have always wanted to. I managed, in letting go of a lot of my inhibitions (no alcohol necessary), to find myself, to be much happier. I became louder, more outgoing, and "bubbly" because I wasn't worried about projecting some image of myself that I was cool or whatever. I found myself dancing like an idiot in public, laughing with strangers, becoming friends with the Starbucks staff, and somehow freaking a few people out...but if people are desiring to see you as strange instead of funny or just good-crazy, do you really want to hang out with them? I think those people are just a little boring, or a little too afraid of embracing their own silly side. 

Let me not give out a false image of myself. I still have fears. When I got to college, I toned myself down a lot because I didn't want to alienate anyone...and now that I have really cool friends, I'm totally letting go of that, because it was just me ignoring my personality. Right now I am battling myself in being the (incredibly) straightforward girl I am versus not potentially scaring someone off....and it's hard, because going with fear is so much easier. It makes life less interesting, and less fun, but it is also a safer feeling. You have to push yourself to travel the road of less surety.

I leave you with a quote: "People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute. You climb up here with me, it's one less minute you haven't lived." -Logan, Gilmore Girls

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

20 Things

I will begin this with a preface. I don't like to complain, though of course I do it. For Lent this past spring, my best friend and I gave up was an interesting endeavor, to say the least. It makes you realize how incredibly blessed I am with what I have, no matter how difficult life may seem sometime. I am totally aware of how fortunate I am..and with saying that, I proceed:

My List of Things I Want (But Are Certainly Not Necessities)
1. My first snowfall (and the other thing...)
2. An ankle that does not spontaneously sprain itself
3. Magical chemistry genius
4. To not make stupid decisions
5. To not get SO frustrated with other people's even stupider decisions
6. One night of sleeping in my own bed, back home
7. A bowl of majedrah (it's this rice/lentil's amazing)
8. To not be so sensitive to many students smoke here
9. The Ben Folds cd
10. To not have 25 hours of class time next semester
11. A lack of uncertainty/hesitation about the future of our country, and our world
12. The ability to not get (almost) hit by every bike on Comm Ave
13. Magic (non Jolt gum supplied) energy
14. Magic
15. My puppy, to fall asleep/be a big lazylump on my pillow
16. I'm gonna go ahead and say repeat of number 1, combining parts A and B
17. More nutella
18. Justice.
19. A campfire
20. Reciprocity

So that's my list. Some of these things will come true, some of these things may come true, and some are just wishful thinking. So,for now...I wish and wait :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I know I already wrote about friendships...I said a lot about carefully choosing who you surround yourself with in regards to the effect they can have on you, but I never said anything about how they can make you feel. Happy is definitely important, and content is amazing. Having a friend requires more than just the feeling of happiness when you are hanging out, though. If you are hurt by a friend, not necessarily intentionally but because of carelessness or blindness to your feelings, be wary. I have had friends who didn't see what they were doing to me, and I don't blame them, but I also am wary of how much of my heart I give to them. So I just wanted to add that to the previous post. And I am grateful, of course, to my friends who have ALWAYS supported me and constantly contradict me when I have low self confidence...they're keepers.

In other news...I hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween (weekend). I had some fun going dancing with my lovely friendlies. And gosh it is getting QUITE cold up here in Boston, currently it is 40 degrees outside, so I am VERRRY slowly adjusting to that. I wear a lot of layers, basically, and hope my face doesn't completely freeze solid with the windchill.  But I can't lie and say that I'm not still completely in love with's my city, and I love it here.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

First Holiday of the Season!!!!

I don't really have much of anything "philosophical" to say today.
Tomorrow is officially Halloween, and I am quite excited about it! I am going to be a sunflower complete with yellow tutu :) It will be so adorable, though, sadly, my straightening iron broke so my hair will be doing whatever it feels like, as usual. I am going to the craft store to buy felt with my roommate and then I will make my sunflower headpiece, and she'll construct her Twister board costume (also cute/cheap/creative)

Mmph we just had a dance party/belted out the Britney so it's time for my shower! Have a fantastic amazing SAFE and above all fun Halloween! 

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I am always confused. Not necessarily about something current or pertinent, but I am constantly confused about something. And, as great as wikihow is, it really can't be a manual for life. 

Other words for "confused":
at sixes and sevens

Why are all these words so silly, just by the way?

So, I feel this way a lot. Usually it's because of chemistry or the heavy accent of my calculus teacher, but I also get confused about the context of a text message, what someone else is feeling, or about HOW THE FREAKING ABSENTEE REGISTRATION WORKS. Maps confuse me, explanations confuse me, and the fact that there is a man that constantly runs up and down Comm Ave confuses me. I guess I should stop looking for a reason to explain everything, which goes to my actual point...
I think this is just my problem, but in case it isn't...I look for logic behind absolutely everything. I'll tell people that their logic is 
wrong, and when they say that they weren't using logic, it utterly baffles me. Opinion
s should always be supported by evidence. Right? 
Well, I'm still confused by kinetic energy in wave transfers, but now that I've been in college/away from home for a while, I've realized that doing something for no reason is...fine. Not every opinion, or "belief" as Luke says, has to have solid reasoning. Which is really a hard thing for me to absorb, since I have always been such an analytical child. But I'm getting there. Sometimes you just have to have faith in what will happen, or even faith in yourself, no "sensical-ness" involved. Sometimes instinct has a lot of value.

In other news...I'm going to be a sunflower for Halloween! Or, if I look sexy, a sinflower hahaah. But hopefully it will look cute! I can't wait for this week to be over!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008



Holy potatosticks.


That's friendship in Dutch, just in case you were wondering.

Last night I had a discussion with a friend about friendship, and how to define a best friend. Of course, we were talking about one of my specific friends, but she made me think. Hard. In my humble opinion, I have always been a really good friend, sometimes to the detriment of myself. I'm a great listener, problem solver, and I like doing random cute things for people. I also get the angriest at the people who I consider to be my closest friends, because I guess I hold them up to impossible standards sometimes, but only because I see them through the lens of being perfect, and when they aren't perfect, it sends me reeling. 

I feel like a lot of our young lives are spent trying to find great friends, which, let's face it, is incredibly important. Who we're friends with will affect us on a very deep level. These are the people who give you advice, who should support you in your darker hours, and are basically the family that you get to choose. Sometimes, though, I wonder to what degree each person looks at the merits of the other person versus what the person can do for yourself. I've always chosen friends who have values similar to mine and who I have something in common, but I often neglect looking at how they might treat me in the future. It's impossible to see into the future, of course, can be crazy to realize that the people that you have chosen, the people you spend your free time with, the people you love the most,
 can really not be doing much for you except to make you feel good. And I think that that's okay. But you also have to make sure you have mostly equal friendships in your life. People who listen and help you out as much as you do for them. YOU have to do for them what they do for's only fair, and it's only what will make a friendship that you cherish.

Don't be lazy. Surround yourself with people that make you want to be better, and make you want to be a good friend to them. The best of friendships teach us selflessness, that we must give up some things to be a good friend to someone who is worth the sacrifice. 

In other's almost Halloween! I have something of a hell week up through Friday, but this weekend looks like it's going to be a lot of fun! Just something to look forward to :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Aventuras de la Biblioteca

This was the highlight of my day, besides hearing about various people and their drugs and their friend's drugs...just because I'm super cleanandsober doesn't mean I don't know what's goin on haha.


9pm:Jessica shows me a text for Jeff's coffee order, and I quote: small pumpkin coffee, put half and half in slowly until the cream rises to the top, about 2 tbsp. 

9:44: I send to Jess: Hey, could you get me some tea? It needs to be green tea and put 2.38 squirts of honey in, then stir in a clockwise direction until rainbows appear in the steam

9:50, from Jess' cell: That was really effing funny-Jess
10:00 pm from Jess' cell: Thats not funny sarah-Jeff


oh and yesterday, caitlin spent a half hour on im (when she was sitting literally across from me) trying to convince me to kick her under the table
kick me
kick me
just kick me
do it 
do it
do it. kick
kick me
and then I look under the table and there are huge wooden legs in the way. beautiful.


Last night, I was crying before I fell asleep to "Everything Will be Alright" by Joshua Radin, which is certainly the best song to fall asleep to when it's been a day for crying. I was crying because my grandmother has gotten more sick and because I had had an exhausting, overwhelming day thinking about my future...and trying to fix my grades. To be honest, I didn't do a plentiful amount of deep thinking, but when I got up this morning, I did start thinking about how much our pasts really, truly shape us.

And it certainly varies. 
I remember when I had my first real crush on a guy since like fifth grade. I was his confidante for a while, and I remember thinking, wow, his crazy home life is sort of like mine, to a lesser degree. And I listened to him and all of his worries...and when he dumped me like a load of dirt, I just thought, well I went through the same, if not worse, than him growing up, and I'd never do this to anyone. 

My point is, how you treat people in your current life can be affected by your past life, but you do have some control over it. I was taught to be incredibly polite and think of "others before self", and I have really absorbed that...I am such a worrier, and I thank everyone I know profusely. But I can also be loud and assertive and try to work for myself when I need to. So I guess life is just about editing, really actively editing, what influences you. I don't think that you can float through life like a leaf on a river, just hoping that you're turning out alright. You gotta be careful about what you invite in your life and who you are becoming. My mom told me that since I had gotten to college, I had seemed to have gotten more selfish and more materialistic...and I realized she was right. And once I had truly seen that, I decided I needed to fix it because that isn't the person I want to be. So I am not going shopping for a long while ;)

But really, I'm just trying to say that...don't use your past as an excuse for your actions. Anyone can become the person they want to be. That is never unattainable. People seem like they lose hope sometimes, that they'll never be totally the person they would like to be...but that's just not true. Am I talking in circles? Sorry if I am. I just want people to like themselves! Seriously. 


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Aww You're So Cute!

I have constantly wondered, asked, and wondered again as to why I am constantly defined as "cute". 

I finally got my answer, so get excited. 

"First, you approach things in a unique way.
Second, you do it with a sense of quirky, self deprecating, offbeat humor.
Third, you have a joie-de-vivre that some people just lack.
Fourth, you're a bit innocent. 
It's the odd observations you have, the way you say them, that's really it."

(big hearts to my cashew, for putting into words what people have been saying all along)

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Playlist

My grilled cheese tastes like soap. Now that I'm in college, it's the one thing I eat with constancy. Especially when the dining hall goes all weird Mexican food night on you with like fajitas made in bulk...I don't even understand why they bother attempting Mexican food on the East Coast. Last night was fancy night in the dining hall, and I was just wondering why my potatoes were, as Cara said, "so sloshy." 

But..I digress.

Today, I am inspired by Rihanna. WAIT TO JUDGE ME. I've been listening to this song by her and TI "Live Your Life", which is basically about being happy with what you got. Which is a little ironic coming from two mega wealthy hip hop stars....

But there is one line in the song that made me stop focusing on the perfect beat of the song (a valuable thing when you walk everywhere) and made me listen: 
"You're unhappy with your riches cuz you're piss poor morally"
Ok so TI isn't exactly a poet but it still got me thinking. For a lot of people, their goal after college is to make a lot of money, be successful, and ultimately "do something" with their degree. And then they can be the envy of everyone around them because they earn so much. They will ignore their family in times of crisis but be around to get their inheritance. They will buy their children the best new Ipod but be surprised by their ingratitude. This is bliss, right?

This is the American dream. Right? RIGHT?

Maybe not. Maybe it is. Everyone has their own morality, and everyone follows that morality in their own way. I'm not qualified to judge anyone...I'm not even qualified to balance a chemical reaction equation in chemistry, as evidence by my most recent test score. But I do think that maybe we need a redefinition of success. To me, it is what will make me happy, but not to the detriment of others. Happiness that helps others to get closer to happiness..I believe that that is happiness in its purest form. It is not just serving yourself, because what fulfillment can come of that? That you have built yourself a great life and will leave that legacy behind? I don't know. That wouldn't make me happy, but maybe I'm just weird. 
And don't get me wrong, being successful for your own sake is absolutely, 100% important. Keeping your head above water is not to be taken for granted.

Which brings me to the other song that I have been listening to with heavy rotation, "Swim" by Jack's Mannequin. It's definitely worth a listen, especially after you've failed a midterm and have the sudden urge to jump off the closest bridge. 

I guess music really is a great part of the soul. 

Thursday, October 23, 2008


"This is what happens when you give a stoner the internet"
"Yeah that is a beautiful quote"

With any luck, the podcast will be a reality. 


I am wearing almost all men's clothes right's sale thermal and t shirt from the Gap (mostly because I was too lazy to walk upstairs to women's to buy the same thing in a tinier fit for three times the price), boot cut jeans, and Van' a man's size. 

And it's pretty obvious that I'm a girl.

I'm just writing a little piece on men...or on "y chromosomes", as I call them from time to time. I was inspired by a conversation had at dinnertime about the overly dramatic boys we have ALL had in our lives..the ones that spend 5 full minutes on one text or instant message, filling it with cliches. The ones that constantly have complaints about their families, their work, or their horrible professor. The ones who kiss you in the rain just so they can say, they kissed a girl in the rain once. Drama is not reserved for females, and I would much appreciate it if that stereotype would end now. 

Boys are wonderful, though, if, like friends or washer repairmen, you are wise enough to choose the right ones for you. And the right ones...are usually the unexpected ones. Personally, my whole focus in life has been education, and that remains for me in many ways. However, some of my favorite conversations (and favorite boys) have been with guys who swear at Mariokart, break bones falling off of semipermanent walls, and are more succesful at memorizing every great stoner flic of our generation than they are at doing calc equations. My point is...who you are, and who you define yourself as, does not limit what you love in someone, especially someone of the opposite sex. It's more about...what makes you feel good, in your gut...and when you're young, what gives you some fun. (NOT LIKE THAT). Guys are the ones who are going to laugh mercilessly at you when you smack into a wall...and then hit the next one themselves even harder. Guys are the ones that are going to convince you to have more food because, hell, why not? And come on, more food is always fun. 

My last bit is this...everyone does it, including me, but don't stick around or dwell on those dudes that don't really make you feel so great. Sure, they might be totally cute, or seem to "take care of you", but at the end of the day, the best feeling is just having someone who actually cares...without hesitation or without "vueltas" as my roommate says (aka none of this going round and round in your head). No one can ever be perfect, but maybe...girls can stop settling. And, well, if they really want you, they'll rise to the occasion. Promesa :)

And.. Happy Mol(e) Day! 6.02x10/\23

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What the..

So I've been thinking about weird people. Not that I don't classify myself as weird (or just genuinely quite quirky), but I'm talking about the people you see and think, huh, weird. The guy with the towering green mohawk walking down a suburban street, for example, or the girl wearing a a sequin tracksuit and ugg boots on a plane to LA in July (that's a true story right there). They inspire in us an impulse to say well, that's strange. Or in the case of my friend Jess, WHAT THE FUUU.

But I've been thinking lately, maybe these people aren't weird at all. Maybe they know exactly how they are perceived by others, and like the reaction. Or maybe they have the courage the rest of us (outwardly) normal people don't have to be perceived as strange and just not care. To be so secure in yourself as to risk freaking people out...that's confidence.  
We even live in a society that prizes individuality above so much else, so to be called weird...well, you have to be really doing something different. So, if like me, you are occasionally called weird...wear that as a badge of accomplishment, for losing your inhibitions to stray from the pack a little. 

And I wore a tutu on the T so...I get it :)

(number of times I used "weird":6)


(I finally learned what blog means!)

Ever since I was a kid, I've been told that I am "wise beyond my years". I've never been totally sure as to what that means, exactly, but I guess it means that I understand my world maybe a little better than people my age...and in some ways, that's true. I always see both sides of an issue, and as much as I like an argument, fairness is something that's really built into my perspective. So this blog is my expression...I plan to share on here about the places that I live (the East and West coasts), about my experiences, and about the things I have learned along the way.

Youth does not bar understanding.