Saturday, January 31, 2009


I LOVE realizations...I am absolutely the most oblivious person you will ever meet, so when I finally put things together that were apparently very obvious to others...well, I'm totally excited. 

To me, a lot of love is made up of realizations. Even in long term relationships, marraiges, partnerships, realizations are...or should be, there all the time. Each day, perhaps we realize that we love the other person for some new reason. Or there's a realization that feelings have changed, but not necessarily in a bad way, just that change is there and love can still exist amidst that. Whatever the realization, I think they are so important. They are "magic" we can still access in this day and age. The most magical of these moments, is, of course, when we realize that we are cared about or loved or desired....that has to be one of the best feelings in the world. As I said in the previous post, I have very little experience with all of this love business, but from what I know+my "wisdom"+the very many tidbits I have garnered from friends over the years, I know that this feeling is incredible. It's like being on top of the world but with a warm feeling behind it that doesn't fade very easily. Even if things don't go well with the person, their desire for you at some point still remains. 

And that, as my roommate would say, is just very nice. 

Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Been A Year

This post comes after a long hiatus involving Christmas vacation, insane traveling issues, getting back to school, and forgetting my username for a week. 

I am currently listening to the namesake for this post's title, "It's Been a Year" by Greg Laswell. He is one of my favorite artists, and if you like very chill music with sweet, unassuming lyrics (that aren't so sappy as to make you want to barf), you should listen to him. 

Sappiness. Already in the air, as Valentine's Day fast approaches. If you know me well, you know that I absolutely LOVE holidays, with my birthday being my favorite (29 days till age 19!). But I hate Valentine's Day, and making me talk about it will elicit a blast of energetic hatred similar to anything Julia Stiles says in 10 Things I Hate About You...before she is eventually converted by the magnificence that is Heath Ledger (RIP). I have no such hope of being converted at any point...but let's not get into that. 

But on the subject of love, or all things romantical...well, that's my topic right now. I am planning on talking about something love related for every post in an atypical fashion. This time I'd like to talk about romance.  

A lot of girls, after watching hour upon hour of unrealistic romantic comedy, seem to think that romance is in the grand gestures. Wait. Let's define romance...I am talking about how a guy shows a girl that he cares about her...romantically, or at least to more than verymuch friends and only friends.. Anyways, some people wait for the big gestures, and there are a few who have relationships where the guy can ONLY show his affection in that way. Not healthy. Being totally unable to show affection is bad too, as evidenced by the many married couples who face a total loss of passion a decade or so into their marriages. So are we looking for the mean, the median, the middle? (You can tell that I just wrote a paper about Aristotle, Mr. Happy Medium)

Well, in my opinion...nope. There is no medium. There is nothing perfect. Some girls must wait for a guy who will bluntly holler their undying devotion to them amidst rose petals and Sinatra crooning. Other girls will settle for the implicit knowledge that they are loved, and they are so secure in that , they need nothing else. I guess it's totally personal. For me, what I want is the tiniest gestures...the very personal, nontraditional ones. I've had very little experience with romance, I'm going to be honest about that, but in what I have's just the most personal things. It's knowing that someone took a risk, even a little one, just for you, just to make you a little bit happier or to encourage you to not be so afraid yourself. It's the small knowledge that someone cares, even a little bit, or maybe a lot. I don't think you need to be in love with someone to still care about them, or to want something good for them. To me, romance is in the subtle sweetness, the knowledge that someone is taking care of you for just a moment.

But that's just me. 

Meanwhile...I am back to motivationland! This is evidenced by the fact that this post is a quick study break from studying cell organelles for bio...and it's a friday night...and I'm in the library. I do, unsurprisingly, feel as if I am having my life force sucked out of me. As my friend Jess would say, no big deal.