Saturday, July 31, 2010


"You marry your unresolved issues."
Dear sir, you have uttered a phrase that is unparalleled in how much fear it gives me.
I could feel my heart clench in as these words fell upon me. I could envision the roof falling in with the sense of complete dread I felt.
How could you? Your authority gives you every allowance to say something like this. Your experience should have taught you not to.

There is no such thing as normal. Were you aware, sir? Normal is nothing. Don't tell me that there are cases where this won't...your words blur as I imagine the worst for my future.

No wait. Not that. Not that.
I deserve love, don't I? Don't we all? We do, we must, we must. I can't shake this DOOM but at the same time, I hold out much more hope than your statistics. At the most inappropriate of times, under these fluorescents, you have tapped into my greatest fear. If you have nothing, but you have love-you have wealth. If you have hatred, you are poor. You are nothing.
And I refuse to be nothing.
So, I will be your exception, your "special case" that you mentioned for courtesy's sake please and thank you very very much.

For now? My hope is not gone. It is low, it is founded in the nothingness I have. But I am young, still, too young to really be despairing that love will never come.
I am young, still. I am hope.

Please, oh please. Please, God. Let me be the exception.

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