Friday, August 6, 2010

An Open Letter to Anyone Who Might Like to Crush My Dreams

Dear Potential Dream Crushers:
First off, welcome. This is my dream world. Not as ridiculous as you expected, I imagine. When I say "dream", I don't mean meaningless fluff. I dream about having normal, beautiful things in my life. Nothing crazy. You won't find an alternate universe here. Mostly, just contentment.
Feel that wind? That's motivation. Drive, if you will. It's persistent, I know. I hope it never stops pushing at me. It pushes me, pushes my dreams, and shapes my path. I'm not sure what I'd do if the air here was still.
Try not to get distracted here. i have a lot I want to accomplish, and only about 70 years left on the planet to do it, if I'm lucky. It's a lot to fit in, you can tell. It's crowded with realism here.
So, if I may have your attention.
These are my dreams. You must feel honored to be able to view them-they aren't things I readily share. You SHOULD feel honored. I'm sure your life is too big and busy to really care, but you should.
Here's the thing. The reason this place might make you a little uncomfortable, is because these are not your dreams. You've gotten a lot of those. Others were unreal from the start. You've lived a good life. These are mine.
And that's the most important part.
I know that you see all of this, alive with color and potential, and the first thing in your mind is all the reasons why these things can't happen. Sure, I have noble goals-most of these goals have nothing to do with personal gain. But, no no no. There are problems and bumps and barriers.
So, this is what I have to say to you. Listen closely.
Don't you DARE tell me no. This is my dream. You have no right to say no, to discourage me, to tell me to face what is real. These are not your dreams, you have no right. Do you think you ever did? You never did.
With this wind at my back, determination flares.
I can't be told that my dreams are dead in the water. I don't even know what that phrase means, besides DAMN IT.
I have dreams. So many dreams. And goals, real goals. I know that I will never be happy unless I am making others happy. I know that my dreams can be real. And life, and people, and life again, love to say no, don't be ridiculous.
Well. You know what I know for sure? If my dream to help people through creativity, communication, love, community-if those dreams are ridiculous, please, I never want to go back to whatever reality is.

Say no again
Try me.

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