Saturday, October 10, 2009

Inappropriate Excitement.

A part of my new view on life is to really push myself into doing things that are out of my comfort zone, because, for good or for bad, you will learn something when you do. And, you know, probably have fun. Even if you don't, I feel like trying something really uncomfortable won't really be regrettable, because there is accomplishment in doing something atypical.

So, here I am, in my cousin's "big, gross party house" as he calls it. And it really is, complete with inappropriate artwork and wood floors that seem to creak of their own volition. His window is currently, and always, open, leading the room to be a brisk 35 degrees at all times, a problem when you share a bed with a chronic covers-stealer. No doubt, I'm here to see my cousin, and that's what's most important to me. He's the big brother I never got to have, and I'm lucky to have him in my life. It's just been an interesting day thus far, being thrown from a place I am so well known and comfortable at BU, to coming here, where I am completely out of my element. Thankfully, everyone has been really friendly and I'm not drowning in my own awkwardness.

This week was disgusting, and all of my work isn't even done. I suppose this is due date time, if you divide the semester into approximate thirds. That math actually works out beautifully. is overwhelming and wonderful right now. There is never a dull moment, yet I am working my butt off to balance it all and get good grades. Which is starting to take a slight toll on my academic confidence...I really have to work so hard to get any kind of good results, and I feel like my classes aren't traditionally difficult. I even thought I'd finally settled on a solid set of career goals, but then I was listening to Jess talk about what she plans to do postdoctorate, and the doctor dreams began to creep in once more. I used to be so decisive, until the decisions really started to matter. What ridiculous reverse psychology...unlike most college students, for whom sophomore year is something of a "nothing" year, this year will change my life, determine my future...Overwhelming, but wonderful. I should be scared out of my mind, but I'm honestly just ready to work hard and get to the next step but enjoy every split second on the way. Go figure.

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