Thursday, April 30, 2009

Memories from This Year :)

Kellyisms 1."Oh look! A zebra! Let's shave it!" 2.It's only funny if it comes from the mouth of a Korean man 3.That's a legit beard. Look, you can braid parts of it. 4. They flip and they flop and they're flip flops. 5. Look at it! Look at the SHNOUT! 6. kelly: what? it smells like wood. me: THAT'S THE DOOR!! it smells like pot!! 7.About chem lab: It's like trying to solve a really hard non fun riddle! 8.Only Brazilian oranges are fat free!! 9. DAYUMM GIRL (damnn that soy sauce!) adventures in the dining hall 11.22.08 -THEY ARE NOT MANDALS. They are flip flops! They go flip and then flop! They're sandals and I wear socks with them, ok??? -I go flip and then flop but I'm not a mandal. -DO NOT. Briannnnne? -What? I flip AND flop. -Your mandals....FLIPFLOPS...are on me...agghh. -I wear socks and shoes. ;D 11.20.08 -HELLO!! -umm hi... .... I'll just sit down. -How're you tonight? We are in a band and we both go to BU! We just wanted to give you our flyers! -Oh ok cool thanks *all look at bear/frog looking drawings -Those are bears. Or frogs. He drew them! -I drew them! -So if you could just check us out on myspace... *still staring at tiny flyers* -Oh cool, they're cute. Oh you're playing tomorrow?! -Yeah!! If you like us a lot from myspace come check us out! We're just a cool band.. -Ok will do -Yeah we're just a bunch of guys who love to have a good time. BYE!! -uhhh. please can i quote that last thing they said for oh idk, all of eternity?? (later)...we were the only table they visited. -you sure? -we are the only ones with tiny flyers! -we could have been one of a couple tables -uh no. -yeah that's what I was afraid of... :D

PLUS: Hockey will never end, the ridiculous conversations we have daily that I can't write down, SARAAAHHH.....

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