Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oh, Again

I'm back to the familiar comfort of worry. I am always worrying, especially when I am not excited about something. And I am excited about something, I am very excited about returning to BU and all that that holds. That happens Saturday and that is only a few days away...and thank goodness. It could not come sooner. I am so happy to be allowed another year, to get a second chance. That's what it feels like...going back feels like I've been given a second chance that I really don't deserve. Now it comes down to worrying about going back. It seems like a viscious circle...worry, excitement, worry...etc. Now I'm worried about my grades, of course, and also about my time. I got a job out of my work study grant...which is great, except that my mom doesn't even care. The money will be mine to keep. And I found a job that sounds like a lot of fun, as a production assistant, but I am also worried about having enough timing to do it all. It would only be a couple hours per day. What am I worried about? Well...that's adding on top of classes, homework, my radio show each week, being a tour guide, and Lebanese Club. If that works out. Oh and a job, that idea is stressing me out. But I want to be earning money, if the man will keep me on, and this production assistant business looks reasonable. I'm not really that concerned.

Wait, what?
I guess I just like to worry. Not like it's what I do and I'm quite good at it. But I will figure it out, figure out if I want to work and it will all fall into place. I already promised myself as much. 

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