I am wearing almost all men's clothes right now...men's sale thermal and t shirt from the Gap (mostly because I was too lazy to walk upstairs to women's to buy the same thing in a tinier fit for three times the price), boot cut jeans, and Van's...in a man's size.
And it's pretty obvious that I'm a girl.
I'm just writing a little piece on men...or on "y chromosomes", as I call them from time to time. I was inspired by a conversation had at dinnertime about the overly dramatic boys we have ALL had in our lives..the ones that spend 5 full minutes on one text or instant message, filling it with cliches. The ones that constantly have complaints about their families, their work, or their horrible professor. The ones who kiss you in the rain just so they can say, they kissed a girl in the rain once. Drama is not reserved for females, and I would much appreciate it if that stereotype would end now.

Boys are wonderful, though, if, like friends or washer repairmen, you are wise enough to choose the right ones for you. And the right ones...are usually the unexpected ones. Personally, my whole focus in life has been education, and that remains for me in many ways. However, some of my favorite conversations (and favorite boys) have been with guys who swear at Mariokart, break bones falling off of semipermanent walls, and are more succesful at memorizing every great stoner flic of our generation than they are at doing calc equations. My point is...who you are, and who you define yourself as, does not limit what you love in someone, especially someone of the opposite sex. It's more about...what makes you feel good, in your gut...and when you're young, what gives you some fun. (NOT LIKE THAT). Guys are the ones who are going to laugh mercilessly at you when you smack into a wall...and then hit the next one themselves even harder. Guys are the ones that are going to convince you to have more food because, hell, why not? And come on, more food is always fun.
My last bit is this...everyone does it, including me, but don't stick around or dwell on those dudes that don't really make you feel so great. Sure, they might be totally cute, or seem to "take care of you", but at the end of the day, the best feeling is just having someone who actually cares...without hesitation or without "vueltas" as my roommate says (aka none of this going round and round in your head). No one can ever be perfect, but maybe...girls can stop settling. And, well, if they really want you, they'll rise to the occasion. Promesa :)
And.. Happy Mol(e) Day! 6.02x10/\23